“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Albert Einstein
May the coming years find us successful, with your help and support in strengthening the vision that has sustained us through all these years. With enduring thanks we look forward to the tasks before us, praying for the vision and guidance to carry on the great traditions of our congregation. This is our everlasting commitment, as we together build the future of our beloved Temple Solel.
We are grateful to our many volunteers here, and we give them kudos for their outstanding abilities in helping connect and inform our ever-expanding community at Temple Solel.
To be a Jew is to have hope. Hope in the future and hope in the goodness of life. I can only imagine the sense of hope and promise that motivated the founders of Temple Solel to be the Pathfinders of the Jewish future here in Hollywood.
Tikun Olam
Our mission is to enrich our congregation by instilling in our members, and especially our children, a love and responsibility for the earth and its peoples. Toward that end, we organize educational programs that promote the environment and social justice.
Community Outreach
Reaching out to our community is important to our congregation, as is instilling in our members, and especially our children, a love and responsibility the people in our community.
Mitzvah Day 2017
Mitzvah Day 2016