Hello Family of Solel and welcome to the Temple Solel Sisterhood 2024-2025 year.
Sisterhood brings women together who start as strangers, become friends, and over time, through shared experiences and shared values, become sisters. We want to welcome all current members and new incoming women to the Sisterhood. We are delighted that you are a part of the Solel family.
Sisterhood is a great way to socialize, communicate with other Temple Solel members, and learn about what is going on at Solel. If you would like to contact Jodi or Jen, Co-Presidents, please feel free to email them at sisterhood@templesolel.com.
Congratulations to our new Executive Board!
The Executive Board of the Temple Solel Sisterhood
Co-Presidents: Jodi Medow and Jen Chase
Treasurer: Bridget Cabibi
Secretary: Lisa Wilentz
VP’s of Programming: Debbie Topping Mathews and Barbara Newman
VP of Membership: Melissa Viera
VP of Fundraising: Ellen Wacher