To our Faithful Ticket Holders, Donors, and Sponsors:
THANK YOU for your patience as we finally gather for the long-awaited Golden Jubilee! We, too, were heart broken when we had to postpone, reschedule, and postpone again, but at long last, we will celebrate this momentous occasion! As you know, the health and well-being of our families, friends, and fellow congregants were paramount in our difficult decision to delay the Jubilee, but nothing can stop us now! (And yes, you must be fully vaccinated and boosted to attend and additional protocols will be in place if necessary at Jubilee 2.0 in October. We care about you!)
Your original tickets will be honored at the Jubilee on October 21 and 22, 2022. As before, no physical tickets will be issued, but your names will be on a list at the door the night of the event. (Please note that the charge for new or additional tickets has risen to $250 per person due to increased expenses; new or additional tickets may be purchased on this website.) If you are unable to join us, we will add the purchase price of any unused tickets to the Jubilee Fund as a donation. Thank you for your understanding.
What you need to do now:
** Please fill out the form to confirm the following **
- Total number in your party and names of those attending (along with phone numbers and emails)
- Friday Wine and Cheese Reunion
- Friday Shabbat Services and Festive Oneg
- Names of all attendees (along with phone numbers and emails) at the Saturday Dinner Dance
- Seating preferences for the Saturday Dinner Dance
- And of course, song requests!
- If you are no longer able to join us, please indicate that as well. The price of your ticket purchase(s) will be considered a donation to the Temple. Thank you.
All ads that were placed previously are already in our magnificent Jubilee Ad Journal. In addition, a Supplement to the original journal is being published. Both will be presented at the Saturday evening event. Please consider taking out a new ad to help us offset expenditures originally incurred in 2020 and the significant increase in 2022 prices. Your consideration and contributions are greatly appreciated. Ads may be purchased on this website.
Again, thank you for being a part of our Family of Solel. Be sure to check the weekly Pathfinder and this website for updates about the Jubilee. We can’t wait to greet you in person in October if not before. Until then, be well.
Warmest regards,
Jen Chase and Marcy Roberts
Jubilee Co-Chairs