Please join Sea Level Rise Solutions of South Florida, which was started at Temple Solel, for their 5th annual virtual King Tide Event entitled What Sea Level Means to Me. Learn about sea level rise, climate gentrification, and how you can advocate for climate resiliency. The event will be moderated by our Temple’s youth members, Rebecca Adler and Dylan Bober, and is being jointly organized by Solel members and members of the South Florida Community. Registration information will be in the Temple email blasts and attendance is open to the public. Help us repair the world.
Please join us to explore how to communicate climate risks in ways that make it relevant to and compelling for South Florida. How many days of flooding are happening and how will the numbers increase? How is sea level rise impacting the Everglades? How are South Florida communities differently impacted? How can we be preventive instead of reactive? We will discuss these issues and more, with interesting facts that you can share to get your community to care and to act. • Featured Speakers: Dr. Kilan Ashad-Bishop, Dr. Keren Bolter, Dr. Jennifer Jurado, and Broward Commissioner Beam Furr
Register for Zoom Event:
A link to the event will be provided by email prior to the event.
Teen Student Service Hours:
Receive 1 hour for participating in the Zoom event polls.
Receive 1 additional hour for each of the following: submitting two pictures of flooding in your area or writing a letter to a newspaper or elected official about flooding or climate change. Additional outreach suggestions will be provided at the Event. For hours credit, submit your photos/letters to: